Friday, 17 November 2006

Corruption Olympics

The corruption endemic in modern sport gets especially filthy when the Olympics are involved. Backhanders are doled out by countries whose politicians are eager to show off by hosting the event. Drug abuse is rampant. Everyone lies. Many cheat.

Even the paralympics are not a cheat-free zone.

Once games were for kids. They got rid of high spirits by running around for fun, and throwing and kicking balls. Then some bossyboots said children had got to be organised into teams, and timed. the death of happy play. The birth of sport. The birth of cheating.

Which over the years has got increasingly sophisticate. The next big thing will be genetic doping -undetectable by modern anti-drug techniques.

And so it goes on,..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ever since the woeful LA olympics - (the Coca Cola pool!) the Olympics has been a crock - it's all about money.