Saturday, 18 November 2006

Contaminated games? We've got em!

What caused the speedy defection of Jack Lemley, the American called in at huge expense to be the Games construction supremo?

According to today's Times, Mr Lemley, 71, insisted that his health was not connected to his resignation but he was “very, very concerned” about the extent of toxic material and hazardous waste on the 757-acre site, much of which was industrial land. The clean-up operation could also unearth unexploded bombs dropped during the Blitz.

The American engineer was increasingly frustrated that the process of cleaning the land — known as remediation — had not begun, although contractors had been appointed to carry out the task in June.

Friday, 17 November 2006

Technorati thing...

Technorati Profile

Role models

What is it with sport that brings out the worst in people? The government anti-bullying website
needs a whole page dedicated to parents who
  • bully their kids into sporting achievement
  • bully other kids who threaten their kids' achievement
  • encourage their kids to bully others
But why be surprised when the culture of sport is run through with selfishness, aggression, chauvinism and spite?

Paul Deighton speaks

In October Paul Deighton, chief executive of the London Olympics Organising Committee, told the Culture, Media and Sport Committee: "We are certainly confident at this stage that the sources of revenue are sufficient to leave us at the organising committee with revenues that will match our expected expenditure.
In November they realised that they hadn't included VAT in their accounts.
Are these people fit to run the cake stall at a church bazaar, let alone a multi-billion pound international project with tight deadlines which will humiliate Britain when it fails?

Corruption Olympics

The corruption endemic in modern sport gets especially filthy when the Olympics are involved. Backhanders are doled out by countries whose politicians are eager to show off by hosting the event. Drug abuse is rampant. Everyone lies. Many cheat.

Even the paralympics are not a cheat-free zone.

Once games were for kids. They got rid of high spirits by running around for fun, and throwing and kicking balls. Then some bossyboots said children had got to be organised into teams, and timed. the death of happy play. The birth of sport. The birth of cheating.

Which over the years has got increasingly sophisticate. The next big thing will be genetic doping -undetectable by modern anti-drug techniques.

And so it goes on,..

Athletics in crisis

The official blog of the British Athletic Supporters Club tries to keep a brave and cheerful face. But look at their news items - almost all about sordid drug scandals.

Is this an activity that deserves huge financial subsidy from ordinary taxpayers like you and me?

Wembley nearly bankrupted the FA - What will 2012 do for Britain?

Sport and financial good sense don't go together.

Big British building projects and financial good sense don't go together.

Read how Wembley came close to bankrupting the Football Association.
Think what will happen to a really big project when it's in the hands of a great British committee of self-important sports-lovers.
Imagine that overspend.
Think of your tax bill.

Thursday, 16 November 2006

Sports Injuries

This site may be useful to people whose health has been ruined by sporting activities.

We are all drugs cheats now

An Economist article points out that drugs and the Olympics inevitably go together.

The Sports Myth

Confronted by the wobbly forms of a million obese schoolchildren, the authorities search for simple solutions.
"Sport!" cry the sporty. "Make the fat slobs do sport!"
Fact: Sporty people like doing sport; other people don't.
For many, school games lessons were a dismal eternity of hanging around, hoping the ball wouldn't come anywhere near you. School gym lessons were an eternity of humiliation.
For the majority, sport was something they didn't mind too much at school, but which they haven't bothered with since they grew up.
Ask people if they like sport, and they'll probably say Yes, because this is the socially acceptable answer. But their participation in the nonsense goes no farther than watching footie on the telly, while swilling lager and shouting at the box. This is not the answer to the national obesity epidemic.

The Olympics will harm tourism

One of the big arguments for hosting the 2012 Games is that it will bring loads of tourists to Britain.
But now there's a report that the travel industry think it will actually bring tourism down by scaring off normal tourists. As happened when some footballing shenanigans was held in Germany.

So one kind of tourist scares off another. And the Olympics crowd won't be the kind who'll bring cash to Britain's theatres and opera houses.

Let Paris have them - it's not too late

Already the cost of the Olympic games looks likely to be double original estimates.

Already top people are leaving the project because of inefficiencies and nonsense.

Already the project is hurting other areas of our national life - better causes will be underfunded because Lottery money is being wasted on this project.

Remember the Millennium Dome.

Remember the Diana Fountain.

Remember when they promised that Wembley Stadium would be ready in 2004.

Would Britain be humiliated if we handed the whole shebang over to Paris? Not as much as we will be when we host a Games in incomplete and inadequate stadia. Or when security issues ruin the entire event.

This is not the sort of thing the nation should be spending its money on.

More argument will follow.