Tuesday, 21 November 2006

Going up - officially

I've recently reported speculation about the cost of the Games going as high as £8 billion - even more than the whole wretched war for a fortnight's preening by athletes.

Those speculative figures are contested by the Government that is trying to keep this terrible thing under control, of course.

But now even the Government's official estimates are rocketing. Poor Tessa Jowell, the Culture Secretary (I like the idea that synchronised swimming is culture!) had to admit to the Commons that the bill has gone up by 900 million - and that doesn't include security costs, which since 7/7 have rocketed.

"The extra £900m cost was likely to be met by London council tax payers and lottery funds, Ms Jowell suggested."

The original budget included a contribution of £625m from London council tax payers - which works out at £20 a year for 25 years - and £1.5bn from Lottery games.

How much more will the sporty quango incompetents try to screw out of the people of Britain?

These were the people who gave you the millennium dome remember. Or no - hang on a bit - it was we who gave these thickos the money to squander on that useless tent. The only hope for which is that it will cause more poverty, grief and corruption by becoming a super-casino, thanks to a dodgy deal with Prescott...

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